Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

hectic semester 5!

fiuhh.. gilaa yah semester 5 ini cape loh beneran deh..
capee banget, yah emang udah comot-comot semester 6 dan 7 sih..
cuma beneran deh "mama, papa anakmu bisa kurus nanti.. hahahha" siapin makan banyak di natal.
tapi beneran deh yaa,kalo lu ga pake passion buat semester ini pasti bilangnya "lepas ga yah.. lepas ga yah.. gw cape.. gw muak.." but no no! hard work man! keep fight till the end.. don't give up.. keep pray and surrender for everything .. keep lean on and walking with God (*menyemanagati diri sendiri)
tapi ga kerasa loh sebulan lagi desember tiba..
and papa Jesus thank you loh for spirit that i have now.. without you i am nothing..
and i always thankful for everything God..
well, i hope i can pass this semester with Your blessing and Your kindness for me.
SEMESTER 5! I WILL PASSING YOU! *ga tau bener atau kagak.. wkakka

3 komentar:

  1. ahahaha, fe, postingnya nampar g bangeet *gosok2pipi..

    oke! work hard man! g suka gaya lo! wkwk..
    sama2semangat fee!!!^^
